Visionix VX 70

Visionix VX 70 Untersuchungsspaltlampe

Das moderne Design und das mehrfach vergütete System der Visionix VX 70 überträgt das Licht effizienter und wird alle Anforderungen Ihrer Praxis an eine Spaltlampe erfüllen.
Das LED-Licht verbraucht weniger Energie und hält über hundertmal länger als eine Halogenlampe.  Außerdem sorgt die LED für eine gleichmäßigere Ausleuchtung und damit für eine bessere Bildqualität.

Überlegenes Stereomikroskop

  • Konvergente Version
  • Die fünf primären Vergrößerungen ergeben eine Gesamtvergrößerung von
    6x/43; 10x/27; 16x/16; 24x/11; 40x/7


  • Lichtstärkeneinstellung über Potentiometer und Boost-Taste am Joystick.

Einschließlich Zubehör

  • Bodenplatte
  • Tonometerträgerplatte
  • 5-V-Stromversorgung

Eingebaute Filter

  • Kobaltblau (Fluoreszenz), grün (rotfrei), grau (wärmeabsorbierend)


  • Tonometer Ref. 8480-5010-00
  • Einzelne Tabelle Ref. 7760018
  • Tisch für 2 Instrumente (V-förmig) Ref. 7760016
  • Sterile Tonometerkegel (100 Stück) Ref. 147124
Technische Daten


Feature Value
Magnifications 2x/3x/5x
Convergent version
Height adjustment:
Slit width 0 – 14 mm Continually
Slit length 0 – 14 mm Continually
Slit apertures 14; 10; 6; 4; 3; 1; 0,2mm
Tyndall point Ø 0,2mm
Slit rotation ± 90° Continually on TABO scheme
Working distance 100mm
Average viewing height 375mm
Light LED
Max light intensity 300 000 Lux
Longitudinal (In/Out) 99mm
Lateral (Left/Right) 118mm
Vertical (Up/Down) 30mm
Chin-rest height 76mm
Stereo angle
Eyepiece 10x
Total magnification/field of view (in mm) for 2 magnifications 10x/27; 16x/16
Total magnification/field of view (in mm) for 3 magnifications 10x/27; 16x/16; 25x/11
Total magnification/field of view (in mm) for 5 magnifications 6x/43; 10x/27; 16x/16;
24x/11; 40x/7
Pupillary adjustement 52 – 90mm (2 magnifications) 55 – 75mm (3 or 5 magnifications)
Diopter ajustment +/- 6D
Blue (fluorescence)
Green (red-free)
Grey (anti heat)
Power supply Provided
Power supply for the slit lamp 3,4V, 700mA
Power supply for the fixation point 5v
Input voltage 110V / 220V AC; 60/50Hz
Fusible NA
Width 380mm
Depth 530mm
Height 780mm
Weight Packed: 26Kg (2 magnifications), 28Kg (3 or 5 magnifications)
Safety class I
Parts applied Type B
Tonometer 8480-5010-00
Tonometer support plate Provided with the tonometer

VX 70 VX 75 VX 80 VX 85
Magnifications 2x/3x/5x 3x/5x 3x/5x 3x/5x
Convergent version ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Height adjustment: ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Height adjustment motorized version: ✔️
Slit width 0 - 14 mm Continually 0 - 14 mm Continually 0 - 14 mm Continually 0 - 12mm Continually
Slit length 0 - 14 mm Continually 1,8 - 13mm Continually 1 - 12mm Continually 1,5 - 11mm Continually
Slit apertures 14; 10; 6; 4; 3; 1; 0,2mm 14; 9; 5,5; 0,3mm 12; 9; 5; 3; 1; 0,2mm 12; 8; 5; 0,2mm
Tyndall point Ø 0,2mm Ø 0,3mm Ø 0,2mm Ø 0,2mm
Slit rotation ± 90° Continually on TABO scheme ± 90° Continually on TABO scheme ± 90° Continually on TABO scheme ± 90° Continually on TABO scheme
Working distance 100mm 68mm 88mm 68 mm
Average viewing height 375mm 375mm 375mm 375mm
Max light intensity 300 000 Lux 350 000 Lux 350 000 Lux 350 000 Lux
Longitudinal (In/Out) 99mm 113mm 113 mm 113 mm
Lateral (Left/Right) 118mm 107 mm 107 mm 100mm
Vertical (Up/Down) 30mm 30 mm 30 mm 30mm
Chin-rest height 76mm 76 ±1mm 66 ±1mm 70mm
Stereo angle
Eyepiece 10x 12,5x 12,5x 12,5x
Total magnification/field of view (in mm) for 2 magnifications 10x/27; 16x/16
Total magnification/field of view (in mm) for 3 magnifications 10x/27; 16x/16; 25x/11 8x /30 ; 14x /16 ; 24x / 9 8x /30 ; 14x /16 ; 24x / 9 NA
Total magnification/field of view (in mm) for 5 magnifications 6x/43; 10x/27; 16x/16; 24x/11; 40x/7 5x/45; 8x/30; 14x/16; 24x /9; 36x / 5, 8 5x/45; 8x/30; 14x/16; 24x /9; 36x / 5, 8 5x/45; 8x/30; 14x/16; 24x /9; 36x / 5, 8
Pupillary adjustement 52 - 90mm (2 magnifications) 55 - 75mm (3 or 5 magnifications) 48,5 - 80mm 48,5 - 80mm 48,5 - 80mm
Diopter ajustment +/- 6D +/- 6D +/- 6D +/- 6D
Blue (fluorescence) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Green (red-free) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Grey (anti heat) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Yellow ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Power supply Provided 8475-8001-00 8475-8001-00 8485-8001-00
Power supply for the slit lamp 3,4V, 700mA ~12V AC ~12V CA; 12V AC
Power supply for the fixation point 5v 12V 12V 12V
Input voltage 110V / 220V AC; 60/50Hz 100V/120V/230V/240V AC; 60/50Hz 110V / 220V AC; 60/50Hz 110V / 220V AC; 60/50Hz
Fusible NA 100-120V CA -- 1A 230-240V CA -- 0,5A 100-120V CA -- 1A 230-240V CA -- 0,5A 1,2A
Width 380mm 296mm 299mm 240mm
Depth 530mm 313mm 313mm 300mm
Height 780mm 433±15mm 644±15mm 440mm
Weight Packed: 26Kg (2 magnifications), 28Kg (3 or 5 magnifications) Lamp: 7,4Kg Digital lamp: 8,1Kg Lamp: 8,7Kg Digital lamp: 9,4Kg 12,0Kg Instrument (excluding accessories; Headrest: 1,5Kg)
CE : MDR - (EU) 2017/745 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Safety class I I I I
Parts applied Type B Type B Type B Type B
Tonometer 8480-5010-00 8475-8000-00 8480-8000-00 8475-8000-00
Tonometer support plate Provided with the tonometer 8475-8002-00 8480-8003-00 8475-8002-00
Compatibility with EyePix3 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

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